Sunday, December 07, 2008
Dirty Planet
Thanks to the pleas of the environmentally conscious and naive second graders, WV is now shipping trash across the state to Kentucky to "recycle" it and keep the planet from getting dirty. I wonder what they think the exhaust from the semi-trucks transporting the trash hundreds of miles is doing to our planet. We may need to tell them that Thomas the Train won't be haling this junk for free like he hauls their toy solders around the living room.
Even the NY Times has acknowledged that many recyclables are junk or rubbish. Finally, someone can acknowledge price really does matter. The best part or the article is where it talks about how hard the downturn has been on the "junk poachers." These people used to take the cardboard from recycle bins to sell and leave the rest. This should have been a sign to the rest of us that what was left behind really was garbage and should not have been recycled anyway. Since these second graders don't bear the cost of recycling like the rest of the taxpayers, I propose we let them pull their Radio Flyers around for an afternoon picking this crap up to see if they still think it's worth it.
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Toxic assets
The real issue is that these firms holding toxic assets have toxic levels of leverage that has led to their inability to make markets in the securities they hold. It's fine for firms to apply leverage to capitalize on their competitive advantage; however, many financial institutions appear to have misjudged their competitive advantage. They believed they were supreme experts at quantifying risk. It is this lapse in judgement that has been toxic to their shareholders and taxpayers alike.
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Burning $
I would like to have my portion of whatever the auto industry bailout is burned. Take it, turn it into hard cash and burn it. It is likely that this would be a slower way to lose the money than the auto makers have found.
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Corn Independence
To be independent, we will either have to draw down our own resources or find technologies that don't use the resources we formerly associated with "energy". In fifteen years, will there be headlines about how we need to be corn independent or questions about what to do with all of our oil and gas now that no one uses it.
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
I'll have a Tucker
To the Nancy Pelosis and Harry Reids, please don't try to spend my money to change and update three companies that have spent the last hundred years fighting the change and innovation that could have prevented their demise. Please let these three turgid corporate citizens of malpractice reap the seeds they have sown.
Monday, October 13, 2008
Leverage Please
Companies too apply leverage through borrowing, and often end up with debt levels which are many times their capital. The reason companies apply leverage in the first place is in attempt to raise their return on their own equity. The reason this leverage is productive and beneficial to the greater society is that these companies are really using leverage to capitalize on their competitive advantage. With leverage, a company can find what it does better than anyone else and exponentially multiply their returns. This is good, because this causes capital to be allocated in a more efficient manner, forcing companies to focus on their core competencies.
Politicians who are calling for the deleveraging of America should take a step back and think about what they are really saying. To me they are telling us that they want companies that have become experts in their industries to only produce at 20% capacity (reduction from 25 times leveraged to 5 times). If American companies are to compete globally, they better be able to bet the farm when the deck is stacked in their favor.
Wednesday, October 08, 2008
Why the Bail Out Won't Work
Monday, October 06, 2008
Told you so
Sunday, October 05, 2008
Fourth Ghost of Christmas Past
In last night’s debate, Sarah Palin was demonizing Wall Street for their corruption and greed. Wall Street investment banks have no doubt had some involvement in the current financial situation we are in today, but probably stop short of corruption and what does greed have to do with anything anyway?
I’m not really sure what greed is, although many people give it the negative connotation associated with A Christmas Carol and Ebenezer Scrooge. In the play, Scrooge hordes all of his profits and resources, seemingly to the detriment of his workers and acquaintances. Unfortunately the fourth ghost of Christmas past never visited Scrooge to tell him what a good deed he was doing these people. By accumulating these resources and allocating them in a very efficient manner, he was likely able to provide opportunities to more people in his town that may not have been available otherwise.
What did Wall Street do that was so greedy? They came up with innovative ways to carve mortgage securities into different tranches with similar risk profiles and apply leverage so investors could efficiently and effectively allocate capital to this market. The result of their so called greed was that the mortgage backed securities market grew from nearly nothing in the late 1970’s to a $10 trillion dollar market today. As a result home ownership reached record levels.
Who was greedy? Politicians were greedy in that they continually applied pressure to Fannie & Freddie to continually expand this market which resulted in lending to unqualified buyers. These politicians were simply telling Scrooge to give away the farm in hopes it would be returned in pristine condition 30 years later. It’s not the markets failing that caused this; it’s the government’s intervention in the markets that has led us to where we are today.
Monday, September 29, 2008
Bailout People not Banks
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Crystal Ball
Monetary Phenomenons
I recently attended an industry conference for equity funds where the relationship of rate of return to risk, and supply and demand was brought into question. Funds were primarily attributing their increased offered rate of return to the decline in investor demand for their product. Some Funds were however suggesting that a higher rate of return may imply higher overall risk.
Rate of return for investments typically correlates positively to the underlying risk of the investment. While this premise seems accurate, it should only be applied under constant circumstances. At any given time it would be fair to evaluate different investments’ risk based on their return as long as external monetary factors are held constant. Investors try to measure this risk by using a risk premium, the additional return they require over risk-free investments.
If outside monetary factors such as the supply of money are changing, risk premiums under one set of circumstances are not comparable to those of another monetary situation. When the supply of money is reduced as it has been during the current credit contraction, returns will be greater for that reason alone regardless of investment risk. This is a relationship that was developed by Milton Freedman in his book Capitalism and Freedom where he explains why inflation is purely a monetary phenomenon.
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Unfair value accounting
Unfortunately markets are not efficient in the short term i.e. the measurement date used for financial reporting. These short term inefficiencies when interpreted as fair value can cause unnecessary volatility in firm’s balance sheets and reek havoc with the slightest amount of leverage. Warren Buffet uses the analogy that if you buy a farm, you don’t hire an appraiser to come out every day an tell you what it’s worth. Just because the market produces a price on a measurement date does not mean they are producing a reasonable value. By definition, a market is only capturing data from a few of the parties involved in a particular asset. The transaction is taking place between two parties who believe they are benefiting from a favorable price, that’s why they are making the transaction to begin with. What the market price does not consider is all of the parties that are not able to come to an agreement, because their perceptions of value are too far apart for the particular asset. Fair value accounting is in essence forcing these two holdout parties to accept the price set by the transactions and reflect that on their balance sheet.
What is the value of an asset that currently has a market price $70 and a 5% dividend? Under traditional valuation methods, this assets value would be some discounted factor of the future dividend income and a projected sale price. Using fair value accounting, the asset would be valued at the market price. The market has valued the following assets at $70 or more in the past year: Bear Sterns, Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, Lehman Brothers, Ambac, AIG, etc… Fact is the market was dead wrong on every one of these firms and was extremely inefficient in the short term.
Monday, September 22, 2008
Bailout - Yeeeeaaaaaaaahhhh
The politics of the plan are at best despicable. First the blame game, then they play savior of the Free World (Nancy Pilosi & Barney Frank should kiss off, they've had plenty of chances to regulate and both were around during the Clinton administration when many regulations were lifted). This is also not the time to implement every populist regulation legislators can think up either, put those in on their own merit later.
Who knows what the economics of the plan are, no government has ever spent $700 Billion in a week. Proponents claim financial disaster if we don't act and detractors claim skyrocketing inflation and an untamable deficit. It's unlikely either is completely correct in their views, although I would error on the side of some of the smartest bankers in the World. Finally, the gov't is not really spending $700 Billion, they are buying these "worthless" securities and are going resell them at a later date. Once a market returns for the securities whatever the price, they will be sold back possibly at a loss or potentially at a gain.
The bailout could be too small - If the $700 Billion is not enough to provide a sufficient market in these securities, competition in the auctions will be too much and they will still sell at a depressed value. Once these auctions begin they will also serve as a "market price" for similar securities that some banks may not want to sell or be able to sell due to the size of the bailout. Similar securities may then have to be marked down further due to these auctions.
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Guess who got fired today-
Wonder what the board said; sorry we were irresponsible and paid you too much, now you're fired. May be a little cliche, but isn't that the pot calling the kettle black.
Monday, August 25, 2008
Underpaid & Overworked
Given that a United Way Director's primary mission is to raise donations, it may seem fair to compare their salary as a percentage of donations to others in their geographic area. Using this metric Mrs. King's salary actually falls below that of some of her colleagues. So what metric if one such exists is an appropriate compensation factor for those who do not work in the private sector?
Fortunately the metric has already been set by the market, as long as transparent information remains available to supporters. All supporters of the United Way have access to Mrs. Kings salary records and that of the executives of other charities. Donations will come to charities that appear to be good stewards of the charity and are able to keep their administrative burdens low regardless of a single executive's pay. How much you are worth is determined by what others are willing to pay.
Unfortunately the Central Carolina's United Way board has allowed Mrs. King to hijack the fundraising powers of the United Way to manipulate her perceived value to the organization. The business leaders on this board should take a minute to remember what made them successful in business, and employ those tactics when it comes to dealing with Mrs. King and stop paying her like a realtor.
Wednesday, August 06, 2008
Privatized Gains and Socialized Losses
Privatized Gains and Socialized Losses is catchy phrase fit for any local news reporter or opinionated columnist. It's easy for viewers and readers to take stock in a phrase like this when it allows them to be the victim, it's very similar similar to the underdog phenomenon. Populist rhetoric aside, the phrase does have some truth if the government provides bailouts to wayward capitalists. Recently this phrase has been applied to the Fannie/Freddie mess and the Bear Sterns bailout. The real issue is that the government provides a stop loss, thus effecting the future behavior of firms toward risk.
With Fannie and Freddie, the implied government guarantee has been in the cards since the inception of these firms. Now is not the time to claim socialization of losses, the government is simply following through on their initial guarantee. Imagine the fallout if investors came to believe the U.S. Government may or may not honor its previous commitments; I'm sure treasury yields might move just a little.
The Bear Sterns Debacle or so it was labeled has different characteristics, but falls short of "Socializing Losses". First you have to consider that shareholders did see their shares fall from $150 to $10 (-$140 - privatized). Second, you must consider what the actual loss for taxpayers would be. The "Bailout" involved the Fed guaranteeing around $30 Billion of mortgage backed bonds assumed by J.P. Morgan i.e. the cost is the portion of the $30 Billion that defaults. Gains while harder to measure are also a part of the Bailout. Gains result from the entire credit market not falling into free fall (research Bear Sterns counter party trades if your a doubter). Gains are also attained from the continuation of the securitized mortgage market that provides capital for millions of homeowners (who don't live in govt housing). Perhaps in the next decade we will decide the Bailout was a net loss, but if the gains are properly measured and monetized hopefully we will be reading about Socialized Gains.
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Winston-Salem Runs Out of Recycling Bins
If recycling actually saved resources, and the City was able to cruise around picking up little green boxes of net resource savings I would think they could come up with 2,000 more boxes, because they would be selling the net savings to other producers. If recycling truly saved resources, there would be a problem with people coming in the night and emptying your recycling box so they could steal your resources. Unfortunately we have to pay someone to take our valuable net resource savings (they must be making out like bandits.)
Winston-Salem Runs Out of Recycling Bins