Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Winston-Salem Runs Out of Recycling Bins

City runs out of recycling bins - must be a smashing success. More than likely citizens have actually recycled the bin itself, using it for something more useful than collecting trash. According to the article, there is a waiting list of 2,000 people who are needlessly filling landfills as I write. How are these tax paying wannabee recyclers going to get their green fix if they can't pile all their crap into a plastic box and send it off with the trash? To start with they could actually do something that really saves resources. Yeah resources are measured in $$$, that's why the city doesn't want to give out any more recycle bins.

If recycling actually saved resources, and the City was able to cruise around picking up little green boxes of net resource savings I would think they could come up with 2,000 more boxes, because they would be selling the net savings to other producers. If recycling truly saved resources, there would be a problem with people coming in the night and emptying your recycling box so they could steal your resources. Unfortunately we have to pay someone to take our valuable net resource savings (they must be making out like bandits.)

Winston-Salem Runs Out of Recycling Bins http://www.myfoxwghp.com/myfox/pages/News/Detail?contentId=7089900&version=2&locale=EN-US&layoutCode=VSTY&pageId=3.2.1

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