Sunday, December 07, 2008

Dirty Planet

Looks like second graders are now dictating public policy in West Virginia. (Last three paragraphs)
Thanks to the pleas of the environmentally conscious and naive second graders, WV is now shipping trash across the state to Kentucky to "recycle" it and keep the planet from getting dirty. I wonder what they think the exhaust from the semi-trucks transporting the trash hundreds of miles is doing to our planet. We may need to tell them that Thomas the Train won't be haling this junk for free like he hauls their toy solders around the living room.

Even the NY Times has acknowledged that many recyclables are junk or rubbish. Finally, someone can acknowledge price really does matter. The best part or the article is where it talks about how hard the downturn has been on the "junk poachers." These people used to take the cardboard from recycle bins to sell and leave the rest. This should have been a sign to the rest of us that what was left behind really was garbage and should not have been recycled anyway. Since these second graders don't bear the cost of recycling like the rest of the taxpayers, I propose we let them pull their Radio Flyers around for an afternoon picking this crap up to see if they still think it's worth it.

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