Friday, February 12, 2010

Really, still?

I would think that once you've driven your country to the brink of bankruptcy, maybe the unions and "civil servants" would realize it's about time to stop the handouts. Well not in Greece, still lining up for more and striking to get it. Please no one save these poor soles so the rest of the world can get the point.

Link From NY Times Article

Wednesday, January 06, 2010

Economic Growth

Sometimes it's easy to forget how important economic growth is to different people in the World. We are quickly remined in the eyes of a recession, but even in good times the growth of our economy in the US and the World's economies can mean much more to others around the World. When the economy in the US grows often times some of the greatest gains are to people in developing countries. I'm not referring to other people stealing our jobs or anything like that, but I am talking about other people gaining access to stable nutrition, shelter and health care. It's important to remember these benefits around the World when politicians in the US want to enact growth prohibiting legislation such as higher taxes, environmental restrictions, and more restrictive labor laws. This article from the NY Times does a great job of explaining how important economic growth is to the US and other countries as well.